Maps / Store



Store News

New items were added this Spring. 

KT License Plate  (License plate holders can be found at other sites online if you do not have a holder on your vehicle.)
KT Water Bottle 

KT Cup

Note that the Deam Wilderness Map is being revised and is out of stock.  You can still order them individually or as a part of the Bundle.  They will be mailed when they become available.

Melanie Casey, Store Manager


Now Available – Maps of the Region By the Indiana Geological & Water Survey!

The 5 map set includes all of the trails on state and federal land in the area covered.  It includes many local trails including the KHT from start to finish.  These are the most detailed maps available and enable hikers to explore the rich opportunities up and down the KHT corridor.   These maps include the Charles C. Deam Wilderness in the HNF, Morgan Monroe-Yellowood Forests, Brown County State Park, Starve-Hollow SRA, and the Clark & Jackson-Washington State Forests.  During the Covid 19 pandemic Avenza is offering a free digital version of these maps through their I-phone and android apps.  All five are available.  Go to this link Avenza on your smart phone or android device to download the app and then the maps.  For further info on the IGWS go to


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