The Hoosier National Forest in Brown and Jackson Counties offer 28.4 miles of trail with 4.2 miles of road walk with camping available throughout the HNF. The trail heads South from the Southern Terminus of the Tecumseh Trail at the boundary of Yellowood State Forest. From the boundary it is 4.8 miles on trails to the Taylor Ridge Campground in Brown County State Park. Going South the routes follow BC-D trail before a road walk over to the Northern Terminus of the Nebo Ridge Multi Use Trailhead (MUT). From its Southern Terminus you road walk over the Maumee Bridge and begin a horseshoe route just South of the 10,000+ acre Monroe Resevoir and the Deam
Wilderness which is one of the premier backpacking and camping areas in the state. You follow a variety of MUTS that take you past the historic Hickory Grove Church and cemetery. You continue on to the Southern Terminus in the HNF at the Trailhead of MUTS 16 & 17 on NCR 980 W.