KHTA Annual Meetings
7th Annual Meeting March 16, Ken Hale, “Morgan County’s Trail Czar”
Training Center, MMSF, Martinsville
11 am Meeting 12 am Lunch 1 pm Speaker
In his years as Planning Director for Morgan County, Kenny Hale established a great working relationship with the different agencies at the town, city, county, state and federal level. A landmark from his years on the job is Waverly Park. After the 2008 flood, he collected condemned flooded acres along the White River and grant funding to create a much-needed local park. Dedicated in 2016, it aims to restore the functions of the floodplain, protect the remaining historic resources, and create abiding features that will remind us of what has come to pass on the site. Waverly Park in Morgan County educates us about our built and natural worlds and is a place for the community to connect to the environments of the past, present, and future. Ken was elected a Morgan Community Commissioner in 2018; we can hope he will become an even more effective supporter of park and trail interests in the future.